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How to help

Our charity cannot function without the support from our lovely volunteers and donors. We're open to any help in any form.

If you can help in any of the ways below, or if there is some other way you’d like to do so, please feel free to contact us.


To fulfil our mission we need to raise over £1,000 per camper each year, for which we rely upon the generosity of donations from industry, charitable organisations and individuals.


We are also always on the lookout for new helpers to join our team – without Volunteers, the Association cannot function.

Volunteers keep our holiday camps going, it's a great opportunity to have a fun time.

Suggest a Child

Do you know of a disabled child, between the ages of 9 and 15, who would benefit from a holiday?
If you do, please contact us to let us know.


We are always looking for volunteers to help us with fundraising and other activities. Whether it’s getting sponsorship on a run or doing a bake sale, each contribution helps us give our campers the best experience.

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